Support Poptropica by playing and becoming a member. These are ways you can support Poptropica.
1. Always play Poptropica and use'll help make Pearson Companys and Fun Education Companys get more money.
2. Don't use to many cheats - only we can do that :)
3. Become a member for at least one month by paying them as low as 3 dollars a month. What is a million times 3?
4. Help email Poptropica new ideas - islands, upgrades for membership, more fun...logos? Yeah, logos!
5. Tell your friends about Poptropica - that's what I did, and now the whole school knows Poptropica.
5.5. Pronounce it right. Pop-trop-i-ka.
6. Send them money by via mail...if they will accept it.
7. Let Poptropica kick other sites' ***! Why are they not doing it? You cannot support and maybe because they're country does not have any oil...
8. Go green and save energy...Poptropica will get less problems.
Follow them or get kicked off.