Pilot from Nabooti Island
You’ll always look adventurous in this classic 1930’s style airplane pilot outfit. It comes complete with goggles, and aviator’s cap and scarf, and a classic flight jacket. You’ll look cool and retro while adventuring around all of the Poptropica islands. The best part is this costume is really easy to get. Just travel to Nabooti Island and run over to the left. The pilot is waiting for you by his airplane.
Grim Reaper
This costume will make you the life of the party. And a party is exactly where you’ll find it. Complete the Halloween mini-quest, which is available as a purchasable “gold card” in the Poptropica Store (it’s free!). At the end of the quest you’ll arrive at a Halloween party and you can customize any of the outfits you see Poptropicans wearing there. The grim reaper, with dark hood and scythe is definitely the coolest and most popular.
Aztec Priest
The look of the Sun God is all the rage and a quick trip to the Aztec Empire in Time Tangled Island will get you your choice of very fashionable Aztec wear. There’s a lot to choose from, but my favorite is the priest outfit. He’s standing next to the Aztec King at the top of the pyramid. Unfortunately the skull staff can’t be customized, but the ceremonial headdress and robes are a great look.
Camouflage Guy
This guy is one of the operatives that you meet in Spy Island. He’s located just to the right of Main Street in the Balding Avenue area. You’ll find him crouching down on a wall near some bushes, trying to look inconspicuous. This outfit is a camouflage shirt and hat, complete with tree branches taped to it. It’s perfect for just blending into the background.