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Thursday, May 20, 2010

Skullduggery is Out!

Guess what? Skullduggery Island is out! Woo hoo!

Sadly, its not out yet for members because although its May 20, it says coming soon. But it should come later today. Besides, I'm posting this at 6:51 anyway.

Bye! Coming back at about 5:00 PM, when the island is out (I might not be here at 5:00 PM because my mom is coming maybe...i duuno. wait and see.)

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Skullduggery Island Countdown and Party!

Hey! Can you believe that tomorrow, all members can play Skullduggery Island? Me neither! Less then 12 hours 'till Skullduggery. Tomorrow I am posting a complete walkthrough, and maybe even some cheats added with Skullduggery, as well as secrets. Be sure to check tomorrow for all the cheats and stuff! I have a complete countdown for most of the EST zone here:

Any who, like I promised, I will be hosting a party tomorrow at 8 pm. This is me:

Skullduggery Island Coming Soon!

Membership Icon Early Access available May 20 with membership

C.L. Smith

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Outfits for Guys

Last post, I posted about four fashionable outfits for girls. Now I’m following up with four cool outfits for guys. They’re not quite as fashionable, but these are fun and functional outfits for the Poptropican on the go. Best of all, they’re easy to locate. Got any other suggestions for great costumes for boy characters in Poptropica? Just post away in the comments section and share your favorites.

Pilot from Nabooti Island

Nabooti Pilot Outfit in Poptropica

You’ll always look adventurous in this classic 1930’s style airplane pilot outfit. It comes complete with goggles, and aviator’s cap and scarf, and a classic flight jacket. You’ll look cool and retro while adventuring around all of the Poptropica islands. The best part is this costume is really easy to get. Just travel to Nabooti Island and run over to the left. The pilot is waiting for you by his airplane.

Nabooti Island Pilot

Get this cool pilot's costume on Nabooti Island

Grim Reaper

Grim Reaper Costume in Poptropica

This costume will make you the life of the party. And a party is exactly where you’ll find it. Complete the Halloween mini-quest, which is available as a purchasable “gold card” in the Poptropica Store (it’s free!). At the end of the quest you’ll arrive at a Halloween party and you can customize any of the outfits you see Poptropicans wearing there. The grim reaper, with dark hood and scythe is definitely the coolest and most popular.

Halloween Party in Poptropica

The grim reaper is the life of the party in Poptropica's Halloween Haunted House.

Aztec Priest

Aztec Priest Costume in Poptropica

The look of the Sun God is all the rage and a quick trip to the Aztec Empire in Time Tangled Island will get you your choice of very fashionable Aztec wear. There’s a lot to choose from, but my favorite is the priest outfit. He’s standing next to the Aztec King at the top of the pyramid. Unfortunately the skull staff can’t be customized, but the ceremonial headdress and robes are a great look.

Aztec Temple in Poptropica

You'll find the priest at the top of the temple in the Aztec section of Time-Tangled Island.

Camouflage Guy

This guy is one of the operatives that you meet in Spy Island. He’s located just to the right of Main Street in the Balding Avenue area. You’ll find him crouching down on a wall near some bushes, trying to look inconspicuous. This outfit is a camouflage shirt and hat, complete with tree branches taped to it. It’s perfect for just blending into the background.

Poptropica Guy in bushes on Spy Island

You could almost run right by camo guy without seeing him.

Sweet Outfits for Dudetts!

Dudetts are girl dudes.
These four are for girl characters. I’ll write a post with dashing outfits for the guys. Special thanks to poptropicadude for some great suggestions.

And now, on to the Poptropica costumes…

Aphrodite from Mythology Island

She’s the Goddess of Love and she’s got classical fashion taste. Aphrodite features a tiara of roses, bold and beautiful lips, a heart-shaped necklace, and pink and red flowing robes. You can find her in Poseidon’s domain in Mythology Island. If you’ve already finished the island, just use the mirror she gave you to find her. Click on the heart on the mirror, and you’ll arrive right next to where she’s standing.

Queen from Astro-Knights Island

What’s more fashionable than royalty? You can custumize the queen inside the castle in Astro-Knights Island for a very regal look. If the queen’s robes aren’t your thing, there are also a lot of great princess outfits to choose from inside and around the castle.

B.A.D. Lady

If you want to look very fashionable, head to the B.A.D. Bistro in the Balding Avenue section of Spy Island. It’s just to the right of Main Street. Inside the B.A.D. Bistro, you’ll find three B.A.D. operatives enjoying dinner. The woman is wearing a very fancy black polka-dotted dress with a pearl necklace, earrings, and a headband.

Goth Girl in Ye Olde Rumor Mille

Here’s another outfit from Astro-Knights Island. If you go all the way to the right and enter Ye Olde Rumor Mille and then jump up to the platform on the right, you’ll find a Goth Girl. The outfit features a black dress and a skull belt along with a star necklace. I changed my skin to gray by visiting the skin color vendor in Early Poptropica and changed my hair to black inside the diner in 24-Carrot Island to complete the look.

Poptorpica Phases

*editor's note This is the next page to add to the sidebar along with the other pages. Delete this when posting page onto sidebar.

Hey, fans!

Tonight I will show you Poptropiphases. Poptropiphases are phases of islands, and each has its own personality.

Hope you enjoy.

Phase 1...Easy Islands
1. Early Poptropica
2. Shark Tooth
3. Big Nate
4. Reality TV

Phase 2...History Islands
1. Time Tangled
2. Nabooti (possibly)
3. Astro-Knights
4. Mythology
5. Skullduggery

Phase 3...Art Islands
1. Big Nate
2. Counterfeit
3. French/Francais (possibly)

Phase 4...Futuristic Islands
1. Astro-Knights
2. Spy (possibly)
3. Structure (possibly)

Phase 5...Hard Islands
1. Astro-Knights
2. Mythology
3. Spy (a little)

Phase 6...Intermediate Islands
1. Super Power
2. Spy (a little)
3. 24 Carrot
4. Big Nate
5. Time Tangled
6. Counterfeit

Phase 7...Wiki Islands
1. Virtual
2. Militia

Phase 8...Future Islands
1. Skullduggery
2. French/Francais
3. Structure

Phase 9...Foreign Islands
1. Nabooti
2. Counterfeit
3. Skullduggery (a little)
4. French/Francais

Phase 10...Rumors
1. Candy
2. Monster Carnival
3. Guru (I know, right! Guru???)
4. Lost

Phase 11...Fake and Unreasonable
1. Phineas and Ferb
2. Pi
3. 2012 Island
4. Crap the PHF
is Retarted (What???)
5. Scientist
6. Dinosaur
7. Guru
8. Invader Zim
Many are here, but we cannot put them on. Look at some random pages on the Poptorpica Wiki at .

hat's it! Enjoy!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Mime Master and Binary Bard and Other Stuff

Hey everybody! Hi Dr. Nick! I'm not Dr. Nick. WHAT??? Someone called me Nr. *ick?

I'll get rid of that later.

Well, as you may have noticed that Poptropica has released some new outfits for boys and girls for only 75 credits (and, of course, free for members).

Doesn't it look fashiony? The boy one is probably the only only one you can activate something with the spacebar. Probably with the cane and hat, because the girl's only has a crown and a dress, her skin purple? And isnt that grin on the boy's face to big and weird?

Also some other news. You probably already have recognized it, but Master Mime and Binary Bard have not been posting as much, just like Hades. Well, he quit, so, yeah. But I have a feeling that Master Mime and Binary Bard, from Phase 3 of the islands (for further details about the Secret Phases of Poptropica Islands (SPPI), go to the next posts after this), have not been posting. Is it quitting or fired or a rest? These are probably all seasonal. But they have never announced they left. Captain Crawfish will only probably be here for a short time, but, Dr. Hare, the Comic Kid, Dr. Hare, and others are some that posted in the very beginning and never stopped. What's wrong? Something smells fishy.

I'm having a party on May 20, 2010 at 8:00 PM for the celebration for the release of Skullduggery. Now, I can stay however long, but I might have to leave to figure out Skullduggery...if I didn't beat it yet (probably not happening). Get prepared...anyone who comes gets a free poster. I will not be selling a lot because if you are reading this, stay! Please! If you are a scam robots (whatever they are), scram.

Howdy! hi hi
Howdy...I'm having a popularity contest with the same characters that Creator's did. Vote on the side.

Education in Poptropica and Real Life (EPRL)
Thomas Edison (1847-1931) is the inventor of the phonograph and the lightbulb. In Poptropica his phonograph is missing you must find it to fix his time period.(You can find the missing object of the Aztec period in the workshop's second chimney. To get it you must click on the quadricycle's gray wheel and jump on the tree branches till you find it.Return to the Aztec period when located.)The phonograph is found on the roof of the Greek treasury building in the Greek period.

Here are some pictures in Poptropica...

Poptropica Glitch

I swear that is not me. I was looking over the internet and could not find a glitch that happened to me, then one day my friend and I were playing Totem Hop and this happened. He got his camera and downloaded, uploaded, and there, enjoy.